세계교회협의회(WCC)가 2013년 부산총회를 앞두고 핵없는 사회를 의제화하기 위한 협의를 위해 12월 10일부터 12일까지 수유리 아카데미에서 국제회의가 개최되고 있습니다.

일본 후쿠시마에서 지난 주 일주일동안 있었던 핵없는 세상을 위한 국제 종교간 회의를 마치고 이 논의를 수렴하고 총회 대책을 수립하기 위한 회의입니다.

일정 프로그램 NAC Seoul 12-12 draft program v-4.docx

2012-11-19 v4 DRAFT Program

Pre-Assembly Nuclear Advocacy Consultation


10-12 December 2012, PROK Christian Academy, Seoul, Republic of Korea


Arrivals & check-in:  Sunday, 9 Dec 2012, afternoon and evening

Evening – informal welcome (tbc - time and place)



Monday, 10 December 2011


                                    Session 1

9.00-9.30               Welcome, introductions

Opening meditation: Prof Bae Hyunju, Busan Theological Seminary


9.30-11.45         Churches Learning a New Nuclear Story: Humanitarian, Psychological and Spiritual Approaches to Nuclear Abolition.                                                                                                        -  Based on findings of WCC Nuclear Strategy Seminar/Workshop, Edinburgh 2011


Facilitator (tbc):   J. Siebert, Ploughshares Canada

Presenters:  Kim Yong-Bock, Asia Pacific Center/ISL 

 Jonathan Frerichs, WCC


Presentations  (2 x 30 min) and discussion (60 min) *


10.30                         15 min break


11.45-12.30        Formation of groups and first group work session*:  Identify main points for

o   ecumenical advocacy generally

o   possible uses/application in 2013 and at Busan Assembly


12.30-14.30           Lunch & siesta


                                  Session 2

 14.30-16.30      Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Power Plants in Northeast Asia: Main Challenges and Specific Opportunities for Advocacy by Churches and with Civil Society


Facilitator (tbc):  Jung Ji Seok, KYMCA


Presenters (tbc):  

Chang Yoon Jae,  Ewha University & Korean  Network for World Without Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Power ;

Tsushi Nozoye, NCCJ Peace and Nuclear Issues Committee; 

Park Jung Eun, PSPD & Nuclear Free Northeast Asia

Rev Vicki Obedkoff, United Church of Canada 


                                    Presentations (4 x 15 min) and discussion (60 min) * 


15.45                       15 min break


16.30-17.15       Group work*:  Identify main points for:

o   ecumenical advocacy generally

o   possible uses/application in 2013 and at Busan Assembly


17.15-18.15            Ecumenical Nuclear Advocacy:  Key Actors and 0pportunities *

-          Overview based on findings of WCC Nuclear Strategy Seminar and Workshop, Edinburg 2011


Related advocacy in Northeast Asia and Rep of Korea *

-          With conference participants


Facilitator/Presenter (tbc):  Steve Hucklesby, Joint Public Issues Team, UK Methodist/URC/Baptist


* [Designated listener in this session: Record and recap main insights and conclusions from session]


Time tbc                  Closing prayer.



20.00                         Feature documentary “In My Lifetime”, The Nuclear World Project



Day 2:   Tuesday, 11 December


                                    Session 3

9.00-9.30               Opening meditation:  Venerable Beop-Hyeon, Association of Buddhist Life Ethics

9.30-11.45         Buddhist-Christian Cooperation for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons:  Exploring Shared Positions and Common Goals  

-          Embracing the sanctity of life

-          Responding to Busan Assembly theme “God of Life, Lead Us to Justice and Peace”

-          Refusing to live under a nuclear umbrella; Phasing out nuclear power plants

-          Promoting a peace treaty for the Korean peninsula?

-           ‘Korean Christians Faith Declaration for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Energy’; other relevant initiatives                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Facilitator (tbc):  Bp Duleep de Chikera, Church of Ceylon


Presentations (4-person panel and discussion, 4 x 15 min + 60 min) *


Presenters (tbc): 

Venerable Do-Bop, Cho-ge Reconciliation Committee

Jung Ji Seok, Executive Secretary/Director Life and Peace Center, KYMCA

Venerable Beop Hyeon, Association of Buddhist Life Ethics

Oh Hye Ran, SPARK



10.30-10:45            15 min break


11.45-12.30        Group work*:  Identify main points for:

o   ecumenical advocacy generally

o   possible uses/application in 2013 and at Busan Assembly


12.30-14.15           Lunch & siesta


                                    Session 4


14.15-15.15       Building Ecumenical Engagement within a Global Framework - the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). 

- Towards a common position for churches nationally, globally and regionally including Northeast Asia


Presenters (tbc/ICAN members): 

Kevin McBride, Pax Christi

Jonathan Frerichs, WCC


Presentations (2 x 10 min) and discussion (40 min) *


15.15                       15 min break


15.30-16.30      Church and Multi-Religious Advocacy Measures (with civil society) during 2013 and the WCC Assembly: Aims, Participation and Actions


Facilitator (tbc):  Park Seong Won, Korean Host Committee, Busan Assembly


 Presenters (tbc): 

Buddhist – Venerable  Pom-Nyun, Jungtohoe

Civil society – Cheong  Wook Sik, PeaceNetwork    

Church – Noh Jong Sun, NCCK Peace Commission


                                  Panel (3 x 10 min) plus discussion (30 min)*


16.30-17.15       Group work*Identify main points for

o   ecumenical advocacy generally

o   possible uses/application in 2013 and at Busan Assembly


17.15-18.15Form two work groups to build on presentations and discussions:

A.      Advocacy planning: Who, What and How*

B.      Drafting of policy elements related to advocacy *


Facilitators for Groups A and B (tbc): 


* [Designated listener in this session: Records and recaps main insights and conclusions from session]


Time tbc                  Closing prayer



20:00                         Nuclear video selections



Day 3:   Wednesday, 12 December 


                                   Session 5

9.00-9.30               Opening meditation:  Bp Duleep de Chikera, Church of Ceylon

9.30-12:30         Feedback from work groups; adjust or clarify assignments as needed.                                     Return to work groups A and B to finish tasks, until 12:30.

10.30                         15 min break


12.30-14.30           Lunch


                                  Session 6

 14.30-15.30      Report-back from Group A and discussion:  Advocacy planning for

o    possible uses/application in 2013 and at Busan Assembly

o   ecumenical advocacy generally


15.30                         15 min break


15.45-16.45            Report-back from Group B and discussion:  

o   Draft policy elements related to advocacy


16.45-18.00            Setting priorities and identifying partners for follow-up actions*

                                    Review of main agreements.


* [Designated listener in this session:  Records and recaps main insights and conclusions from session]


19.30                         Closing dinner  -  Closing Dinner (Host: Life & Environment Committee, KHC)

Thanksgiving and closing prayer



Thursday, 13 December

Visit to DMZ, Cholwoan  - Dr Jung Ji Seok, Director, Life and Peace Center, KYMCA

(optional; offered to foreign visitors)
