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팔레스타인에 다녀온 이후 제대로 정리도 하지 못하고 일정 소화에 급급한 시간들이었습니다.

그동안 영어를 잘 못하는 것에 큰 불편없이 살아왔습니다만,
팔레스타인에서 전해오는 소식을 정확하게 나누고자 작정하고 보니
부족한 영어가 짐이 되는 현실이네요.

밤새 팔레스타인 소식에 뒤척이다 어제 트윗질로 친구를 찾기 시작하고
오늘 아래와 같은 내용을 일주일에 한번 정도, 번역하여 (월 2회 정도)
보다 많은 분들과 나눌 수 있는 친구 5명을 찾으려고 합니다.

남녀불문, 연령과 지역, 학력 전혀 상관없습니다.
팔레스타인의 소식을 보다 많은 분들과 나누려고 하는
따뜻한 마음의 소유자면 가능합니다.

온라인 네트워크로 상의하며 번역작업을 하실 수 있으며
기획 번역과 공부 모임도 가능합니다.

10월부터 한달에 한번 팔레스타인에 관심하는 시민들과 만나는 시간도 마련할 예정입니다.

아래 내용 번역 부탁드리며
'팔레스타인 평화를 위한 소식나눔 네트워크"에
참여 부탁드립니다.

함께 시간과 능력을 나누고자 하시는 분들은 제 트윗이나
아래 댓글에 멜이나 트윗 계정을 남겨주시면 연락드리겠습니다.

한국YMCA전국연맹 생명평화센터에서 일하고 있는
간사 이윤희 제안드립니다.


From: Addameer Association <info@addameer.ps>
Date: Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 6:03 AM
Subject: Palestinian Child Tortured and Ill-Treated Over the Course of Forty Days
To: info@addameer.ps

Urgent Appeal
Ramallah, 19 September 2010

Seventeen year-old Ahmed Isleem
, a Palestinian high school student from Azzoun village in Qalqilya, was kept by the Israeli authorities in Jalameh interrogation center for close to forty consecutive days during which he was beaten on his entire body, including his head; intimidated and subjected to verbal abuse; threatened with rape and killing; deprived from sleep through physically and mentally exhausting interrogation sessions reaching at times 12 hours; and exposed to collaborators’ violence. The Israeli interrogators accused Ahmed and two of his friends of firing at Israeli settlers on two different occasions. Despite the torture and ill-treatment, for twenty days Ahmed consistently denied all accusations against him and maintained his version of events: he and his friends were hunting for small spotted birds with a gun made of pipes that they collected in their hometown of Azzoun. The Israeli interrogation police however consistently refused to take into consideration the boy’s account. On the twentieth day following Ahmed’s arrest, the interrogators tied Ahmed to a mattress with both his legs and arms chained to his cell’s wall. He was held in this position for nine consecutive days. On the ninth day of the stress position, Ahmed eventually signed a statement in which he confessed to the accusations. However, in an affidavit given to Addameer attorney Samer Sam’an, Ahmed insists that he only confessed because the pain was unbearable. He still denies the charges against him. At no point during his interrogation was Ahmed accompanied by his parents or his legal counsel.

Ahmed was in his final grade in high school and was studying for the Tawjihi, or final matriculation exam, prior to his arrest. Ahmed is currently being tried on charges of firing a weapon. 

For more information about Ahmed’s case, please click here or refer to the attached documents. 

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
Tel: +972 (0)2 296 0446 / 297 0136
Fax: +972 (0)2 296 0447
Email: info@addameer.ps 
Website: www.addameer.info