팔레스타인에게 올리브나무는 평화를 상징하며, 단순한 경제적 가치 뿐만 아니라
팔레스타인 이외의 연대세력과 땅을 지키는 의미가 있다고 합니다.
지난 2001년부터 동예루살렘YMCA에서 추진해온
팔레스타인 올리브 나무심기 프로그램에 참여를 요청하는 멜이 왔습니다.
좋은 계획들이 있었으면 합니다.
올리브 캠페인을 위해 2010 2/6 -2/15 까지 열린 올리브 나무 심기의 3주년 프로그램에 당신들을 초대합니다.
팔레스타인 농업 전문가들이 추정하길 1948년 이후로 100만개가 넘는 올리브 나무들이 이스라엘에 의해 뽑
혀지고 망가뜨려졌으며 그 중 절반이 이스라엘 군대의
점령에 반대하는 팔레스타인의 봉기인 2차 INTIFADA
가 시작된 지난 9년 동안 뽑혔습니다.
보안과 이스라엘 정착촌의 확장, 분리장벽 건설이라는 미명 아래 이스라엘 군대의 점령에 의해 올리브 나무
의 종교적, 문화적, 자연적인 그리고 경제적인 가치를 무시당하고 표적이 되어왔습니다.
이런 이유들과 그 외 많은 이유들로 인해 올리브나무 심기 캠페인이 2001년에 시작되었습니다. 올리브나무
심기 캠페인은 정의로운 평화를 위한 팔레스타인의 대변자로 시행되어왔습니다.
이제까지 7년간의 캠페인으로 수백만의 팔레스타인 농가들을 돕고 있고, 60년간 팔레스타인의 정의로운 평
화를 위해 싸워온 팔레스타인들의 현실을 전세계의 파트너들과 친구들에게 알리고 있습니다.
Dear Friends
On behalf of the Olive Tree Campaign – Keep Hope Alive – We invite you
to participate in the 3rd annual olive planting program, which will
take place in February 6th to 15th 2010.
experts in Palestine estimate that over a million olive trees have been
uprooted and destroyed by Israel since it was created in 1948. Almost
half of these olive trees were uprooted during the past 9 years after
the start of the 2nd Intifada (Palestinian uprising against the Israeli
Military Occupation).
Disrespecting its’ religious, cultural, natural, nutritious and
economic value, the olive tree has been constantly targeted by the
Israeli military occupation under the guise of security, the
construction of the Wall on Palestinian lands and continuous the
expansion of Israeli – Jewish only - colonies (settlements). The
destruction of olive trees has had intentional and destructive results
on the lives of many Palestinian farmers, land owners and the
Palestinian population in general.
these reasons and many others, the Olive Tree Campaign was launched in
2001 as a positive response to systematic destruction by addressing the
needs of the effected farmers. The Olive Tree Campaign uses the olive
tree as a tool to advocate for the Palestinians right to peace with
justice. So far seven seasons of planting have helped hundreds of
Palestinian farmers and brought awareness to the expanding
international network of friends and partners about the real life of
the Palestinians who have been striving for peace with justice for more
than 60 years.
You are all encouraged to pass the word about this event to people who might be interested to participate.
Please review the invitation and the proposed schedule at: http://www.jai-pal.org/content.php?page=873
For any other information, questions, concerns, or to request a registration form, please contact:
Baha Hilo, Joint Advocacy Initiative of the East Jerusalem YMCA and the YWCA of Palestine, campaigns officer, via email at: olivetree@jai-pal.org or by phone at (+970) 2 2774540.
Jawad Musleh, Alternative Tourism Group, program coordinator, via email at: jawad@atg.ps or by phone at (+970) 2 2772151
Note: to see previous events please go to:
Olive Picking 2009: http://www.jai-pal.org/content.php?page=826
Olive Planting 2009:http://www.jai-pal.org/content.php?page=752
Olive Picking 2008: http://www.jai-pal.org/content.php?page=695
Olive Planting 2008:http://www.jai-pal.org/content.php?page=645
Olive Picking 2007: http://www.jai-pal.org/content.php?page=518
Olive Picking 2006: http://www.jai-pal.org/content.php?page=298 and a short film about the event: http://www.jai-pal.org/content.php?page=450
Olive Picking 2005: http://www.jai-pal.org/content.php?page=85
See a short film on the Olive Tree Campaign:
Looking forward to seeing you in February!
Baha' Hilo
Campaigns officer
Joint Advocacy Initiative
The East Jerusalem YMCA,
POB 19023 East Jerusalem
Tel: +970 2 2 77 4540
Mob: +970 599 814 390
Email: Olivetree@jai-pal.org
Web: www.jai-pal.org